Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Prayer for the Primates (Archbishops, Presiding Bishops and Moderators) of the Anglican Communion of Churches.

Almighty Father, giver of all good things, who by your Holy Spirit have appointed various Orders of Ministers in your Church, mercifully and tenderly look upon each and all of the Primates of the Anglican Communion of Churches.

Grant that each Primate may faithfully fulfill the duties of the high Office given unto him/her within his/her own province and in relation to other provinces and churches. So replenish him with the truth of your Word and doctrine, and so adorn him with gentleness and godliness of life, that he may in word and deed faithfully serve you in all things, to the edifying and well-governing of your Church and to the glory of your holy Name.

Especially we pray that he will always be ready, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away from the Church all erroneous and heretical doctrines and to teach only that which is in agreement with the Holy Scriptures and which maintains the Church in unity in truth, and truth in unity.

We name each one in your holy presence as we pray for your grace and wisdom to rest upon him/her:
When the Primates meet together in Tanzania in mid-February 2007, and later in other places also, send, we pray, your Holy Spirit upon them, that being bound together in holy fellowship and sound doctrine, they may exercise wisdom and courage. Grant that by their advice the Communion of Churches will be helped to set right that which is wrong, and to advance that which is good and acceptable in your sight. These petitions we offer in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Head of the Church, and our only Savior and Lord. Amen.


The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon MA., D.Phil (Oxford)

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