Sunday, August 27, 2006

Visit Anglicans At Prayer

Please visit:

Why? Because, amongst many other things, you will find there a growing collection of historic liturgies rendered into “contemporary English.” The original rites/texts are in The Book of Common Prayer in its three editions used in North America – the original 1662, then the American (1789-1928) and then Canadian (1662-1962). The renderings into “contemporary English” are not intended to be a final text for immediate use, but a kind of preliminary entrance into the richness of the classic Common Prayer Tradition of doctrine and devotion. Recent generations have been prevented through over-use of modern liturgies from experiencing the historic and classical form of Basic and Applied Christianity known as The Anglican Way and as Reformed Catholicism. Here is a chance to experience what has been missed.

Also at this site is a growing collection of meditation and prayers for to assist in the renewal of the Anglican Way in North America – some are in traditional and others in contemporary English, but all conform to the law of prayer of the Anglican Common Prayer Tradition, as that is richly embedded in the Bible.

If you wish to understand The Reformed Catholic Faith which is expressed in the Anglican Common Prayer Tradition, and you do not have time to read a substantial book, then please either call 1-800-727-1928 or visit in order to purchase the (hot from the press) 64 page booklet entitled, The Anglican Formularies and Holy Scripture: Reformed Catholicism and Biblical Doctrine, by Dr Peter Toon, President of the Prayer Book Society of the USA.

If you want to study in depth and detail this topic do obtain from CDs on which in digital form, pdf., are multiple first-class books on the Worship and Doctrine of the Anglican Way from its leading theologians.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon MA., D.Phil (Oxford)

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