Thursday, February 20, 2003

New from the PBS


May I bring to your notice two important items available from the Prayer Book Society of the USA.

First, the (I really believe) very important book by Lou Tarsitano and Peter Toon entitled NEITHER ARCHAIC NOR OBSOLETE THE LANGUAGE OF COMMON PRAYER AND PUBLIC WORSHIP. This book clearly shows the origins and development of the classic language of prayer and worship - in Bible, Prayer Book and Hymnody. It also explains the nature and logic of this idiom and dialect of prayer and devotion. Then it shows how and why it was abandoned in the 1960s & 1970s and that what has replaced it is as yet unstable and constantly changing because it is a secular language adapted for religious use.

This book represents Toon & Tarsitano at their best in a calm and reasonable style seeking to show that there is still a major case to be made for the traditional language of prayer worship and bible translation. You will enjoy this book!

Please send $10.00 to the Prayer Book Society, Box 35220, Philadelphia, Pa. 19128-0220 for a copy ( call 1 800 PBS 1928 if you want to buy several at a special price).

Also, two special CD's are available from the same address for $10.00 each.

First, a series of addresses on Prayer Book themes given by Peter Toon in Christ Church, Biddulph Moor. 80 mins of clear exposition of major themes of worship and prayer.
Secondly, a pdf version of the major Commentary on the BCP of the 19th Century -- THE ANNOTATED PRAYER BOOK by Canon Blunt. This is a massive book and we have put it into pdf to be readby Adobe. It is a gem and a tremendous source of information on the classic BCP 1662 (and thus 1789 American).

Both are boxed and attractively presented.

[coming very soon a double CD of the first SIX of the Edwardian Homilies from the First Book of Homilies 1547 read by Peter Toon, some 160 mins of 16th century exposition of faith, good works and charity -- $15.00 for the 2

Again may I urge you to get a copy of the book, which I truly believe you will find an inspiration and challenge.
(People in other places than the USA & Canada who wish the book or CD's contact me directly please by e mail)

Thanks for your support.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

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