Saturday, February 08, 2003

C of E, Synod & Gender neutral language


When the General Synod meets in London at the end of this month of February one of the motions that will be voted on (and passed) is the following. It seems to be a case that the law of modern prayer creates the language of synod business. "Common Worship" is the Name of latest multi-variety provision of services of the C of E and is still being created in books, booklets, CD's and at web site.

Soon there will be attempts to require the rewriting of the classic BCP & the KJV in gender neutral language!

804 'That this Synod, noting that gender neutral language was one of the guiding principles in devising Common Worship, request

(a) that legislation be introduced to amend

(i) the Synodical Government Measure 1969;

(ii) the Pastoral Measure 1983

(iii) the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 1991; and

(iv) any other legislation specifying title of offices which may be held by lay people or by either male or female clergy, so that gender specific titles embedded in the legislation (most particularly that of Chairman) are removed in favour of gender neutral language (such as Chair); and

(b) Bishops' Councils to ensure that the titles of officers in the Boards and Committees of the Dioceses whose title is not governed by legislation and which is gender specific, be revised to gender neutral form at the earliest opportunity.'

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

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