Saturday, October 12, 2002

RE: Music Groups in Churches

As yet no-one seems to have responded to my main discussion starter which was this. Since the 1960s we have changed the SHAPE & content of the Liturgy and introduced "the Peace" into the middle of it, because we apparently want to follow the primitive pattern of the 3rd and 4th centuries. Why not then follow the same primitive Church and use no musical instruments because (in their case) these were associated with evil, war, immorality and idolatry? Why not rely upon congregational singing of psalms, hymns and canticles?

I ended by saying that one of the reasons why the Organ was allowed into churches from 1200 or so was that it had no history of previous use in idolatry and the like.

I did not intend to raise questions about Bach's church music or the use of orchestras on special occasions or the like, but rather to invite people to ask whether the use of modern music groups (replacing the organ) performing with instruments & in a style similar to the pop music industry is appropriate for the Liturgy, wherein we work supremely and only for God the Holy One.

If the early Church was right then it may well be the case that we have introduced worldliness on a big scale by the use of music groups performing in a prominent place in the nave or chancel and doing so in a style like that of the pop world!

Again, I offered a discussion starter on modern music groups, not a reasoned essay about church music or sacred music (a different thing) or religious themes in popular music (yet another thing) etc.

Thank you for your patience,

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

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