Sunday, March 03, 2002

G Kirk to Bp Bennison

see the letter below about the action of the Bishop of Pa. in the USA. What perhaps is not realised outside the USA is that people like Bp Bennison and the Presiding Bishop think that the time for reception is over, that the ECUSA has decided what is the form of Episcopal religion for the new millennium, and that it does not really care for dissidents or for contrary views. The PB is more diplomatic than is Bennison but of the same mind.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

Dear Bishop Bennison,

I write as the National Secretary of Forward in Faith/UK to express our
surprise and indignation at the inhibition issued by you against Fr David

Fr Moyer is well known to us in Great Britain as a courageous but gentle
warrior for Christ - one, moreover, who has struggled, for himself and
others, to sustain (within dioceses like your own, which have embraced a
narrow, intolerant and wilful sectarianism) a place for Anglicans who share
the majority view of the Communion and its Historic Faith. He is seeking in
the United States no more by way of the provision of Alternative Oversight
than we in the Church of England already enjoy.

Your action (as, in your own heart and before God, you must know) does the
causes you espouse no credit. It is, moreover a schismatic act, in so far as
it neccessarily relates to all those bishops, dioceses, parishes, priests and
people throughout the Anglican world who stand with David Moyer and against
the agenda which, by means both illegitimate and ungodly, you are pursuing.

If it is not too late, we beg you seriously to take to heart the undoubted
truth that doctrinal and moral innovations in the life of the Church which
cannot be advanced except by expelling from it those who dissent, are not and
cannot be the work of God's Holy Spirit.

With assurance of our prayers for you and the diocese of Pennsylvania,

Geoffrey Kirk

National Secretary FiF/UK

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