Friday, August 24, 2007

1662 HC, traditional form, for USA use

The Common Cause Theological Statement accepted by the Anglican Communion Network includes acceptance of the Formularies of 1662.

Here without its Collects, Epistles and Gospels, and without its optional Exhortations is the Holy Communion Service from BCP 1662 adapted for a Republic.

The text is in Word rich format and is sent only for the sake of making known the content of this Order for Holy Communion, which is Reformed Catholic in content. There may be a few typos or minor errors in it despite careful proofreading.

Cambridge University Press of the UK has a new edition of 1662 available in a new font which may appeal more than does the old traditional font. This edition prays of course for the Monarch and Royal Family.

The AMiA of America is in the process of improving its trial liturgies of most of the services of BCP 1662 in contemporary language and this form of BCP 1662 should be generally available late in the Fall of 2007.

Edifying reading!

The Revd Dr Peter Toon
President of the Prayer Book Society 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not see the rubrics in the beginning of the Holy Communion rite.

The Table at the Communion time having a fair white linen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the Church, or in the Chancel, where Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be said. And the Priest standing at the north side of the Table shall say the Lord's Prayer, with the Collect following, the people kneeling.


Mark Carroll of Kentucky
Member PBS