Tuesday, October 18, 2005

NEW Altar Book in Production

The Prayer Book Society of the USA

October 14, 2005

Dear fellow Episcopalian/Anglican:

We greet you in the Name of Jesus as a supporter of the Anglican Way of worship, doctrine and discipline and as a believer in biblical/catholic orthodoxy and evangelical faith and practice.

We write to tell you about a major publishing venture in which we are currently engaged and in which you can help as God leads you.

The Priest at the Holy Table requires not a pew edition of The Book of Common Prayer but what is referred to as “An Altar Book.” That is, a large book with large print which contains the service for which the Altar exists, the Holy Communion, together with the Collects, Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and Holy Days.

For the last fifty years or more traditional parishes have used an Altar Book (based on the BCP, 1928) typeset and published by Oxford University Press of New York City. This is in two colors – text in black and rubrics in red – and it is well bound in leather. Books wear out through use, and many churches have old copies and are looking to obtain a new Altar Book. Second-hand copies are now very rare. We get requests for copies virtually every week.

Here is the good news. The Prayer Book Society has obtained permission from the Oxford University Press to reprint the Oxford edition, in two colors, on first-class paper and in leather binding. And the Society is using the same printer as the University Press employs in order to guarantee first-class quality of product.

Now to the not-so-good news! The minimum print run that this top-class printer will do is 1,500 (one thousand and five hundred); and the cost of producing this number and binding each one and then enclosing it in a suitable wrapping, with delivery to storage, will be about $40,000.00 (forty thousand dollars) in all.

Finally, here is where in your generosity you can help. We intend to place inside each copy, when distributed to churches or to individual persons, a List of those who have made a donation of $100.00 or more to this noble enterprise. We would like to see as many names as possible on this insert (which will be printed on superior paper in an attractive format). May we request that you consider being on this List?

Please see this project as a necessary part of the keeping available, as well as the providing for the next generation, of an important tool in the practice of the Anglican Way and the worship of the Father Almighty. And please give generously.

We expect to sell the Altar Book in time for Christmas at a special price to missions and small churches, and at a reasonable price to larger churches and individual persons. Anyone who makes a donation of $100.00 or more will have the opportunity to buy copies at the same price as missions are charged.

The Board is excited about this project (the largest publishing venture in the history of the Society) and what it offers and means to the cause of traditional and orthodox worship of the Father through the Son and with the Holy Ghost. We believe you will share its excitement and enthusiasm!

May the Lord guide us in the work of typesetting, printing, binding, packing, advertising and distributing so that the product is truly a means of blessing in the churches! Please pray for all involved and give generously.

Yours faithfully in Christ,

David Kennedy
Fr David Kennedy SSC , President

To: The Prayer Book Society, P.O. Box 35220, Philadlephia, PA 19128-0220.

From: …………………………………………………………………………………..


I give $ ............... to the Prayer Book Society of the USA as a gift towards the cost of producing the Altar Edition of the 1928 BCP.

I would like to order a copy/ copies at the special price (to be announced)

I ask God to make this project into a success for his honor and glory.


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