Friday, September 09, 2005



For the last three months I have been assisting St Thomas’ Church, Houston as an interim rector. They are well on their way to selecting a new rector and they have in place the former associate rector, Doug Cadwallader, as the pastor until the arrival of a new rector. My services are no longer needed there as they know where they are going and are moving quickly.

Now I am back in Washington State, on the outskirts of Seattle by the mountains, and back at work on various writing tasks. I have been invited to assist at the famous St Luke’s Church in downtown Seattle as needed. But this means I am now free to accept invitations to speak or help out at other churches of an Episcopal or Anglican polity, either at weekends or mid-week around the USA or over the border in Canada.

I am ready and will be honored to preach on the Gospel or the theme of the day on Sundays and Holy Days, to lecture on themes from the BCP and Reformed Catholic traditions anytime, to represent the Prayer Book Society and explain its mission anytime, and generally be of service to the churches which want to be faithful to the Anglican Way.

My e mail addresses are &

Please do no hesitate to call me if you think I can help you with your work and cause.

I am keen to put together a book for the PBS on the theme HOW CONSERVATIVE LITURGICAL CHURCHES GROW (and do no divide when they grow!). I am looking for good stories and sound principles so that the PBS can share this information with others to encourage them.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Toon

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