Saturday, July 17, 2004

Semper Reformanda , a Collect

A collect for use by all age groups but especially those who are neither young nor old. 

O God our Father, who dost quicken us by the new and sustain us by the old: grant that the old may be refreshed by the new and the new deepened by the old, through him who is the same yesterday, today and forever, even thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
I base this prayer upon a shorter one by Roland A. Bainton, the distinguished historian of the Reformation and biography of Martin Luther.
It may be understood in terms of the New and Old Covenants [testaments] or by the New light/inspiration that is given to the Church in revival and renewal by the illuminating presence and power of the Holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of the Father and the Son.
It is a suitable prayer for churches "in renewal" -- in the charismatic movement and the like.
We certainly need not only the New Testament but also the Old (read of course in the light of the New) but also ancient tradition (Creeds and the like) energized by the presence of the Spirit of the New Covenant. 
For those who find it hard to pray in the received English style of prayer, here is the Prayer in modern form: 
O God our Father, you who quicken us by the new and sustain us by the old: grant that the old may be refreshed by the new and the new deepened by the old, through him who is the same yesterday, today and forever, even your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.)

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