Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Banality of the English Translation of the Latin Services

Patient friends,

Those who are concerned about the poor quality of the English used in translations of the Latin Mass since 1970 in the R C Church should read, I am advised;

"Theological Principles that guided the Redaction of the Roman Missal" by Lauren Pristas in THE THOMIST Vol.67, 2003.

From this article they will learn that first of all the Latin text created in 1969/70 was an inferior one and from this bad foundation have also sprung bad translations. (Anglicans also know that their R C brethren set in this period a bad example of banality which regrettably was followed in much liturgical writing and bible translating by English-speaking Anglicans & Protestants!)

Happily the Congregation for Divine Worship in the Vatican is looking into this matter of the quality of the Latin and of the translations from it thoroughly.

If anyone can get a photocopy of this essay for me I shall be most grateful. Maybe it is on line at a website, but I do not know where to look.


The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.),
Christ Church, Biddulph Moor & St Anne's, Brown Edge

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