Monday, July 14, 2003

What to concede and What to hold firm in debates on homosexuality.

An initial attempt at clarification for those who claim to be biblically-based.

First, what should be conceded in order to begin the conversation and controversy at a reasonable starting point:

  1. That there are some persons within society who feel a deep attraction towards persons of the same sex.

  2. That homosexuality and pederasty are not necessarily linked.

  3. That the Lesbigay movement is now a powerful lobby in western countries and is unlikely to go away.

  4. That many public institutions and governments have accepted the general argument that “Gays” and “Lesbians” are permanently so constituted, that it is OK for them to be so, and that civil law must make provision for partnerships between same-sex couples, based on the analogy of contract law relating to marriage.

  5. That the whole drift and ethos of modern human rights is towards the recognition of any minority which makes serious claims and which does not threaten the general peace of society.

  6. That it is virtually inevitable that a National Church in Europe or a large, liberal USA/Canadian/Australian denomination will be affected by the ethos of human rights and by the decisions of State and big business in terms of giving sooner or later full rights to same-sex couples.

  7. That the existence of a powerful divorce culture in the West, and the conducting of marriages of divorcees in churches, have profoundly weakened the moral position of the Church in her teaching and defence of both chastity and holy matrimony.

  8. That the widespread cohabiting of heterosexual couples, and the performing of marriage service for some of them by the churches without any discipline involved, have also profoundly weakened the moral position of the Church in her teaching and defence of chastity and holy matrimony.

  9. That the widespread availability and use of contraceptive means and methods have profoundly changed the whole matter of sexual relations inside and outside of marriage.

To concede all this is to concede much and it is virtually to admit that in significant areas of modern western life the Lesbigay movement is already successful or will be so within a few years. But it is not to concede everything!

Second, what propositions should be firmly held and NOT be conceded at all.

  1. That God created man as male and female, and that male and female are in various orderly ways orientated towards and made for each other.

  2. That holy matrimony is the God-ordained form of permanent union between two persons, one male and one female.

  3. That a primary purpose of marriage is procreation. A marriage where procreation is possible and deliberately ruled out is not a genuine marriage.

  4. That chastity is not an ideal but a standard for all to abide by.

  5. That genuine friendships between persons of the same sex are good if governed by chastity.

  6. That Jesus Christ has an authoritative message about marriage, sexual relations, adultery, fornication and homosexual practice and the church is to follow the same.

  7. That the Bible does condemn not only active homosexual practice but also “faithful” same-sex partnerships.

  8. That all forms of active homosexuality are sinful, just as are many forms of heterosexual activities.

  9. That God does not make any person with a permanent homosexual orientation from birth, though such may possibly be gained through nurture, education and other factors.

  10. That the prevention of the acceptance of same-sex blessings by the Church will only be achieved if this prohibition is related to a positive doctrine and practice of chastity, and of holy matrimony, where remarriage after divorce is rare not normal, and where contraceptive practice is minimally encouraged and used.

To conclude: this is a discussion starter offered to ordinary clergy and laity in order to help them face the debate and questions honestly and positively.

July 14th 2003
The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.)

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