Thursday, May 01, 2003

The Second Sunday after Easter


After a week in Cyprus and for the Greek Orthodox Easter, learning and appreciating much, in a regular parish chuirch there, I return to The BCP
(1662/1928) and its wonderful Collect for next Sunday.

The Second Sunday after Easter

"Almighty God, who hast given thine only Son to be unto us both a sacrifice for sin, and also an ensample of godly life: Give us grace that we may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable benefit, and also endeavour ourselves to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

The Epistle: 1 Peter 2:19-25 The Gospel: John 10:11-16

The Father sent his only-begotten Son into the world as a GIFT to humanity. The Son took unto himself in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary human nature and lived as a Man. The Second Person of the Holy Trinity in his human nature and without ceasing to be God, lived as the Messiah, revealed the Kingdom of God in word and deed, suffered and died, was buried and raised from the dead to be exalted to the Father's right hand in heavenly glory. The centre of the Incarnation on earth was the passion and crucifixion where the sinless One died for sinners, where the Lamb of God offered himself a sacrifice for human sin, and where in all that he suffered Jesus Christ our Lord provided a perfect example of loving submission to the demanding will of God.

The Gift of the Gospel of God the Father is the Son, for he that hath the Son hath life, everlasting life, abundant divine life, says St John. In the proclamation of good news the Church of God offers this amazing Gift that is beyond price and blessed are they who receive HIM in penitence and faith, in joy and consecration.

In the petition of this Collect we recognize that the presence in baptized Christians, of the effects of sin, even as they aspire to holiness, need to be dealt with. These effects stay with us as long as we are in our mortal bodies on this earth in this evil age. Thus the prayer is for grace, the assistance of divine help and mercy, for a thankful, receptive, believing and trusting heart, to recognize and appropriate the amazing and eternal nature of the GIFT that is in the Gospel. A truly thankful heart is a great motivation to seek to do God's holy will.

The petition is also a request for the commitment, determination and help needed by a baptized Christian to imitate the life of Jesus, to see him as the supreme example for the Christian to follow, day by day until his life's end. ("To endeavour oneself" is a reflexive verb not much in use today - cf. the Form and Manner of Making Deacons in the BCP and the seventh answer to the questions, "I will endeavour myself, the Lord being my helper.").

The particular feature of Christ's example brought out by the Epistle is the bearing patiently undeserved indignities and rough usage ( 1 Peter 2:23).

Thus Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour of the world, is for the Church God's GIFT and God's EXAMPLE and receiving the gift and following the example Christian people will be truly what they are called to be, the Body of Christ on earth. This is a most appropriate message for Eastertide!

The Collect above was written by Archbishop Cranmer in 1549 and replaced this Collect found in the Sarum Missal: "O God, who by thy Son's humbling himself hast raised up a fallen world: Grant unto thy faithful people perpetual joy, that they whom thou hast snatched from the dangers of perpetual death, may be brought by thee to the fruition of eternal joys. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." This rings with Easter joy but is not as fine a prayer as the replacement of 1549.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

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