Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Products from the Prayer Book Society


I think I may have told you about products available from the American PBS which will interest you


Of BCP 1928 Evensong - St John's Savannah, Ga
Of BCP 1928 Morning Prayer & Litany - St Thomas' Houston
two fine recordings in classical style

PDF of The Annotated Prayer Book by Canon Blunt (700 pages or so of text and excellent commentary, much used in the 19th century) and in Adobe Acrobat format.

HOMILETTES from Biddulph Moor, Diocese of Lichfield. Six addresses on Prayer Book Basics by Peter Toon.

SIX EDWARDIAN HOMILIES. The First Six of the Homilies of the C of E of 1547 read by Peter Toon (2 CD's) and giving the reformed Catholic position of the C of E on Bible, grace, faith anf good works (splended sermons, several by Cranmer)

The first 2 CD's are $15.00; but the others are $10.00 Send a check to Prayer Book Society, Box 35220, Philadelphia, Pa. 19128- 0220 (1 800 PBS 1928)

then I urge you to read the book which Lou Tarsitano and I have written (and representing our thinking and studying for some years) on the language we use in church and read in the Bible:

NEITHER ARCHAIC NOR OBSOLETE. THE LANGUAGE OF COMMON PRAYER AND PUBLIC WORSHIP. This explains where both traditional language, so called, an contemporary language, so called, came from and how the latter has sought to displace the former since the revolutionary decade of the 1960s. Again $10.00 only from the PBS

(anyone in the UK please contact me for copies of the above)

I will be pleased to receive any comments from those who obtain the above and use them.

Thanks and happy fasting in Lent.

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon

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