Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Report from Peter Toon November 23rd 2005

Thanks for your best wishes and prayers for my bracytherapy.

I am now back home drinking gallons of water and putting ice-packs on the bruised parts of my body where the long needles went in to deliver 125 seeds.

Naturally I feel tired but the professor told me that they managed to get the seeds where they wanted them and they counted it a success. These expensive little seeds begin immediately to release their energy but one really feels it in several weeks time and the life of these seeds is about 6 months.

I have been given a Letter to present at the security at airports etc to explain why I set off the alarms.

THANKSGIVING, USA style, tomorrow, will not be for me a time of special eating but eating a little and drinking a lot of water – not wine!

I have two ladies to look after me and drive me where I need to go, like to the Library for a few books!

Again thanks for your interest and your prayers

The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon MA., D.Phil (Oxford)

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John said...
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