Sunday, August 10, 2003


One thing has become clear to those within the ECUSA to whom God has given eyes to see.

A jurisdiction of the Church that has for decades allowed and encouraged divorce and remarriage - serial monogamy, and has further regularly accepted that this is contrary to the plain words of Jesus and the intent of historic canon law, should not be surprised when there is a call (on the basis of human rights as for the divorced) for the blessing of same-sex couples who claim to be faithful to one partner at a time.

To say this does not mean that every divorce is wrong or that remarriage is not possible in some cases by the permission of the Ordinary, but it is to state that the existence of a large divorce culture within the ECUSA is at least the context in which the call for same-sex blessings makes sense to human reason, guided by human rights and modern views of individual autonomy, and aided by novel ways of reading the Bible.

Those who are protesting against the election of Gene Robinson and who are calling for a new alignment of "orthodox" parishes/dioceses need to bear in mind that unless they first address the marriage question they will not morally improve upon the position of the General Convention of 2003.

I offer this radical suggestion to those critical of the Gene R decision.

Let all divorced and remarried priests step down from office as the first sign of a new attempt to recover divine order and as the firstfruits of a major attempt by the "orthodox" to begin to recover some biblical standards! Let lay leaders in the same position do so also. Let bishops begin to be graciously strict on this matter from now on! Let us all repent and seek the face of the Lord!
The Rev'd Dr. Peter Toon M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.)

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